Center for Global Asia
CGA Talk Series | Offshore Governance: The Qing Empire and Its Coastal Islands in the Long Eighteenth Century
Monday, December 4 | Join us tonight at 5:30 PM! | N107
Speaker: Professor
Ronald C. Po (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Throughout the eighteenth century, China’s numerous offshore islands played a notable role between the mainland and the inner sea. Despite their relatively small size and seemingly peripheral positioning, these islands had more substantial interactions with the central regime than one might assume…
Learn more! The talk will be introduced by Provost
Joanna Waley-Cohen.
Social Science
Not So Toothless: How Chinese Criminal Defense Lawyer Encourage Judge-Prosecutor Disagreement
Thursday, December 7 | 3-4:30 PM | N401 |
Speaker: Professor
Yue Hou (The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
Yue Hou will present on “Not So Toothless: How Chinese Criminal Defense Lawyers Encourage Judge-Prosecutor Disagreement (Joint work with
Jieun Kim, Assistant Professor of Political Science, NYU Shanghai).” The presentation will be introduced by
Xiaojun Li, Associate Professor of Political Science.
Committee on Critical Inquiry
Do You See Me? Conflicts within the Family through the Film Everything Everywhere All At Once
Thursday, December 7 | 4:30-6 PM | W516 |
Join us to discuss family relationships and generational conflicts. We will use a clip from the film Everything Everywhere All At Once to talk how family members struggle to communicate and understand one another. We will also explore the divergent perspectives of the central characters and invite personal reflections on our own reflections reflecting on our own relationships. Snacks will be provided.
Center for Global Health Equity
CGHE Perspectives on Health Seminar Series
Friday, December 8 | 11:15 AM | N856 or
Online |
Speaker: Professor
Yuhua Bao (Weill Cornell Medical College, New York City)
CGHE Perspectives on Health seminar series is an interdisciplinary forum for socially engaged research on health and medicine. Professor Yuhua Bao will provide an overview of past, current, and planned research on policies addressing unsafe opioid prescribing in the United States.
Institute of Contemporary Arts
Against Interpretation: A Reading Circle with the ICA
Saturday, December 23 | 2-4 PM | ICA Reading Room (1F)
What is interpretation? How should we move towards a dialectical interpretation? What comes after anti-interpretation? This reading circle will focus on Susan Sontag’s text
Against Interpretation,
after which an exhibition tour will be provided. The event will be conducted in Chinese. Free and open to the public.
Learn more!